sitemaster's blog

LoveBlock Pairs a Wrap in Record Time!

The scoring team was rapt to head off home before midnight after the last result from Auckland arrived .. something to do with a Scrabble tournament going on, we heard. It seems very strange not to have to spend Saturday morning chivvying the odd straggler along.

On behalf of Richard Solomon and the scoring team I hope you enjoyed your evening too. All results and peripherals are to be regarded as provisional until noon when the Scoring Correction Period closes.

The scoring team: Mike Neels, Jan Spaans, Anna Kalma being guided by Bob Fearn on Zoom from Seattle at 3am of his Friday morning

Bob Fearn - author of Compass Scoring - on ZoomBob Fearn - author of Compass Scoring - on Zoom

Loveblock Pairs Coming Up

The annual NZ-Wide Simultaneous Pairs is scheduled for the evening of Friday 15-Nov. In previous years about 1000 pairs from 60 clubs have taken part. Results from most clubs are scored across the field before midnight. Richard Solomon is, and has been for yonks, the main organiser of the event which raises money for the New Zealand Bridge Foundation to promote the development of youth bridge in this country. Richard would be very happy for your club - even if not affiliated to NZ Bridge - to run a heat on November 15th.

David Asks About Handicaps

Davids QuestionDavids Question

The answer:

Loveblock NZ-Wide Pairs

The scoring team went home about 11:45pm on the Friday night with just two clubs outstanding of the 51 that succeeded in running their session.

X-Clubs 44

How many bridge players have learnt the art of the finesse but not learnt the art of not finessing?
Board 18 from Tuesday 17/01/23
Dealer East NS Vul


The almost universal contract was 4H by either North or South. The almost universal result was down one or two. In other words, a hopeless contract the way things were. Or was it?

Progress Reports

As at 11;10pm we had 49 of the expected 55 clubs in.

Loveblock Pairs in the Starting Blocks

Welcome to the annual NZ-Wide Pairs. This year we have a great turn-out of 56 clubs from Kerikeri to Invercargill.

Days and Times for NZX BBO Sessions

While lockdown persists and clubs are closed a team of friendly amateur BBO directors began by offering a list of daily 1PM and 7PM sessions open to all NZ players. Interest in the daytime sessions has lately fallen off as clubs return. The week-day sessions (except Friday nights) will be named starting with "NZX Club" and play 14-18 boards of the standard X-Clubs deals with a Swiss draw format when feasible. Friday nights and weekend sessions will be named starting with "NZ Club" and play random boards as no X-Clubs deals are produced for those times. Session results will be reported on this website (Results by Week tab above) and, at around 5:30 and 11PM, will be included in the daily score-across. You'll be able to see how your results stack up in a field of, usually, hundreds of other pairs playing the same hands at clubs around NZ. Click on Read More to .. well .. read more:

Wrapping Up The Babich

The score period having lapsed, the results as published have been declared final by organiser Richard Solomon. There are 750 pairs from 44 clubs .. about 75% of pre-Covid turn-out.

Section Overall, 2nd after Section Ashburton, is a comprehensive listing of all players in rank order. All columns in the Ladder are sortable by clicking on their headings. Find a name in these big reports by searching with CTRL-F. The Section results are reports by club. Special reports are up there too.

Name With-Held Asks ...

Clicking into your name will be part of a larger publication to be made when the final few come through.

The scaling down - or up - is what simultaneous pairs is all about. When club results - say 7 tables - are scored across a much bigger field .. we have 350 tables so far ... they become much more objective. Club results can be "out" by +/-10% over 24 boards when compared with the scored-across result of a larger field. The range, which you can find by clicking on the Difference heading, is currently +9.95 to -9.67 ... both from Thames who had six tables last night. You need about 60 tables before you get results with an average deviation of +/-0.5% when compared to the scored-across result in a really huge field. This is the whole point with X-Clubs - 40% of NZ Clubs are now playing the same boards at the same times in ten different time slots a week. Sometimes we have over 500 pairs competing. When will your club be ready to join in the fun?

On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 8:02 AM Name With-held wrote:

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