
Bob Fearn's Compass Scoring System has been under development for the better part of 40 years. This long-term project of Bob's began when he was living in Tokoroa in the late 70s.

Now resident in Seattle USA, Bob is making constant advances in the capabilities BCS IconBCS Iconand functionality of Compass. In 2007, previous to a major re-write in 2010, Bob developed Compassmate to interface his scoring program with the Bridgemate Control Software (BCS). Compass also interfaces with BridgeTab and BridgePal wireless scoring systems that use Android devices - phones and tablets - to record the data at the table. An interface has been built for BridgePad, too, for those who use it.

The emergence of Milan Durovic's impressive presentation of results led to further development. Results in the form of XML files are now uplifted automatically when produced by Compass and appear on one of Milan's sites - this one in particular for X-Clubs. Also freely available for players of X-Clubs deals is amazing Pianola reporting. Using Compass to score a session of bridge manually or with any table-top device is now just a matter of choosing a movement from lists of those available for a specified number of tables. Once under way the system looks after practically everything else. The full suite of reports you see on Milan's sites are achieved at the press of one button. Pianola reports for X-Clubs arrive by email after every game for those who register for this service.

On 1-Feb 2025 Bob presented his legacy version of Compass to a Zoom audience of over 40 Compass users. Programmed in Visual Basic.NET, a powerful successor to Visual Basic 6, the new screens look clean and the speed is amazing. The recorded Zoom meeting as presented in full may be seen by clicking this link. The meaty part of the presentation takes about fifty minutes before a general discussion opens about trialing and implementing Compass VB.Net at clubs.

Click here for Bob Fearn's Compass website which gives an even greater insight into the capabilities of Compass. You'll see there is much more to Compass than just a mere bridge scoring system.