Websites for Bridge Clubs
Milan Durovic of Sydney has developed some fantastic reporting options tailored specifically for bridge clubs.
The jewel in the crown is undoubtedly his suite of results presentation screens. Starting from a simple listing of the field, the user can click on a name and proceed to a listing of results for each board played by that person or pair. Then click on a board number and the hand record pops up containing all the information found on a travelling score sheet - who played what contracts, their score, the matchpointing, a hand diagram with points distribution and makeable contracts. Several views of all this information are available and it's all accessible by a link from your present website. Or ..
Milan also provides a basic template website that covers the fundamental needs of any bridge club - About Us, News, Session Times, Club Programme (with Event Entry module and date-sensitive look-ahead), and Results Reporting with options for maintenance. Examples may from amongst the 50-60 clubs using this option are to be seen at
Also on offer are more complex sites powered by Drupal - a modern Content Management System. Cambridge Bridge Club is an example of his Build-It-Yourself package while the set-up of, say, Thames Bridge Club is one that requires the services of someone with knowledge of Drupal. Full details of all the options are available at Milan's site.
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