
X-Club Deals for 2016

The new season's deals have been available for some time. If yours is a non-Compass club requiring the deals please use the Contact form to request them in the usual form.

Compass clubs now have the ability to access their deals on demand using the newly-released Dealer Assist (DA) module within Compass scoring.

The new work flow for dealers will be like this:

  1. Rostered dealer opens Compass and chooses More Menu Items ... from the side menu strip.
  2. Selects Dealer Assist to see a screen like this showing the current Week Number and any deal files already retrieved for future weeks. On start-up, Compass will have automatically loaded the files for the next two to three weeks:
  3. Dealer highlights a session and clicks on Deal Hands Now. Dealer4 opens automatically with the file already loaded. Proceed as normal with the dealing.
  4. When finished the dealer can click on Print PDFs to automatically print Handrecords and/or Traveling Score Sheets.


  • {extra cool!) If your club wishes to put the sponsors' or competition names at the top of the handrecords it has just got wa-ay simpler to do that. Highlight a session and click to Add Heading to Hand Record PDF. The handrecord appears - position the cursor where you want the text to appear, right-click and paste. Bingo! By double-clicking in the box you get to edit the text - font style, font size, wording - if you want. Close and save then print. Magical stuff, Bob!
  • Should you wish to retrieve any deal files not on view you can click on Get New Hand Files at the bottom of the screen to make this screen pop up:

Disappointment Reigns .. but, on the other hand, there's a corresponding amount of happiness out there somewhere

On 8/11/2015 2:14 p.m., wrote:
> (name and phone number with-held) sent a message using the contact form at
> I would like an explanation please as to why my partner and I dropped such a considerable percentage form our Club result. I do use Compass frequently and realise there are scoring differences but find the outcome from Friday completely unfathomable. We also don't seem to appear on the scoring of the non aggregate E/W result.
> I will really have to consider playing this event I have supported for many years.
Our reposte ..

We-ell, Somebody .. it's like this:

Babich NZ-Wide Pairs .. the Final Wrap

OK Folks. All scores are finally in. If everything had gone smoothly enough the job might have been only an easy twelve hours and we'd have been able to enjoy regular updates with breakfast on Saturday morning. Ah me .. best laid plans! Server issues dogged us throughout the day and there was trouble with key people attending weddings or playing tournaments on far-away islands. But - we got there in the end. We scored across a field of 970 pairs playing at 57 venues.

As Jan Spaans comments:

  • Again it was an incredible team effort to get to the final result.
  • The main problem again was that clubs didn’t send us a result file, or to a wrong email address or incomplete files.
  • Chasing people nationwide via phone on Saturday morning again hit a lot of answer phones, but in the end it got things moving again in the right direction.
  • Once we had at least something, even wrong files, Bob has been a rock in fixing some club files to something we (ie Compass) could handle.

All credit to Bob Fearn, author of Compass scoring whose devotion to the game has made this powerful tool available to us. Compass is Bob's life work and now that he has retired from his day job he has had even more time to put into developing amazing tools to complement an already sophisticated scoring package. From all the participants in the country: a very big Thank You Bob.

Exciting Development ..

Following a lead from the Tauranga Bridge Club, Bob Fearn has added a great little routine to Compass scoring. Not long ago an article on the Tauranga site showed how you can use BBO to replay the actual deals from some session you might have played at your club.

Who are the Big Users?

Sorted by Sessions (click the Sessions column header)Sorted by Sessions (click the Sessions column header)Did you know that you can sort the data in a Ladder-type results file? Just click on the column header and you can rank by any of Grade-Sort, Club, Sessions, or any other column. Here is a shot of everyone who has racked up more than 130 sessions in the last 50 weeks as at start of August. Fifty weeks is the window covered by the weekly Leagues calculation.

X-Clubs Team Scores NZ-Wide Pairs in Record Time

It's Official!! All results for 962 pairs are now in.

The first cut of results for 33 of the 55 clubs taking part in the 2014 Babich NZ-Wide Pairs appeared within two hours of the end of play. As more results came in the total rose to 45 clubs by 1:30am at which time The Team decided it was time to call it a day. We had results for 834 pairs posted at that time.

This exercise has been quite a step up for all involved and a huge feather in the cap of Bob Fearn who has developed this powerful new facility. A previous trial run came along in May with the scoring of the Youth Fundraiser when 363 pairs from 25 clubs took part. Thanks, too, to Milan Durovic of Sydney for his generosity in providing this site free of charge to the bridge players of New Zealand. Milan has had to deal with our stretching the boundaries of his system but it coped magnificently with just one teensy outage on the Saturday afternoon.

e-mail Query ...

On 1/11/2014 11:24 a.m., wrote:
> John Doe sent a message using the contact form at
> Hello. Very interesting playing in this. I wonder why, when the accumulated results are given,our results went down, yet most of the others in our club went up. Also some pairs that we beat on the night at the Night Club are now ranked higher than we are. We were xx.68 and Maxwell xx.31 for instance. We came 999th.

Bridgemates Used for Annual Battle: Putaruru vs Tokoroa

Jan Spaans traveled to Putaruru on Wednesday 24th of September to demonstrate the use of Bridgemates in conjunction with Compass scoring.

2014 Compassmate Simultaneous Barometer Pairs - Jan Spaans' Report

The annual Live Barometer Pairs event, where this year five clubs battled it out to host the winning pair, never really took off in full flight.

Michelle and Phillip achieve 79.49%

We're going to start keeping a list of very high scores in X-Clubs.

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