This deal presents a difficult bidding problem, and when the bidding problem was solved, a not so difficult problem for declarer that was nevertheless not solved by every declarer. And when the bidding problem was not solved and the NS pairs ended up in an inferior 3NT, many EW pairs still failed to take advantage of their luck by letting declarer make the unmakeable 3NT.
Board 21 from Thursday 15/08/24
Dealer N NS Vul
How many Norths would appreciate the true strength of their hand? Just counting points doesn’t do it justice. Looking at the possible losers does. But there is no need to do anything other than open with 1C, given that we are playing a “4+” 1C, or even a 1C “3+”. Playing any other system, North can bend the shape rules and open 1D, treating it as 5-5, with the intention of rebidding clubs as often as necessary. What North should realise is that, unless there is proof beyond reasonable doubt, this is not a 3NT hand. Natural systems with such hands certainly give the natural players an advantage, because when North opens 1C and South responds 1S, good bidding should end up in a very good club slam instead of an awful 3NT. North thus opens 1C and when South bids 1S, rebids 2D. This is a reverse and shows the hand’s strength. South might now bid 2H, which is ‘fourth suit forcing’ and North can continue showing strength and shape, with 3D. Can South do any less now than bid the club slam? Any experienced partnership should be able to bid the club slam, but many ended up in the very inferior 3NT, with many being allowed to make! How can the defence possibly go wrong given that a heart lead is inevitable.
But let’s talk about the club slam, which I’m pleased to say all those who bid it also made, so good bidding was accompanied by good declarer play. All declarer need to do is not draw more than one trump and then play on diamonds, intending to ruff two in dummy. East does have a club trick but is helpless and cannot prevent two diamond ruffs which sets up the rest of the diamond suit and twelve well deserved tricks.