Name With-Held Asks ...
Clicking into your name will be part of a larger publication to be made when the final few come through.
The scaling down - or up - is what simultaneous pairs is all about. When club results - say 7 tables - are scored across a much bigger field .. we have 350 tables so far ... they become much more objective. Club results can be "out" by +/-10% over 24 boards when compared with the scored-across result of a larger field. The range, which you can find by clicking on the Difference heading, is currently +9.95 to -9.67 ... both from Thames who had six tables last night. You need about 60 tables before you get results with an average deviation of +/-0.5% when compared to the scored-across result in a really huge field. This is the whole point with X-Clubs - 40% of NZ Clubs are now playing the same boards at the same times in ten different time slots a week. Sometimes we have over 500 pairs competing. When will your club be ready to join in the fun?
On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 8:02 AM Name With-held wrote:
Why can I not click in to our name and see personal results? Then I can advise the rest of the club. Also what is the reason a pair is scaled back in their % is that averaging or something?
Just not familiar with your site.
Name With-held