How to Come Top with 48%

Yes - it really happens. Matamata pair Jim Aneley and Laurie Belfield came top with 63% at Matamata on Monday Week 38 but dropped to sixth out of nine pairs with 48% after X-Clubs cross-field scoring. Huh??!! Read on ..

This raised so many eyebrows that Bob Fearn kindly took the time to produce the detailed analysis shown here:

Bob's comments:

I have analyzed Jim & Laurie's results (see above) and all appears to be OK. Seems the main influence is the small number of competing tables in the club session. So a top or near top there, is closer to an average when scored across. Weighting of the boards 25,26,27 also have a negative affect on the X-Club score.

NB - Bob's results were confirmed independently by Karen Martelletti who didn't know Bob was looking into the matter. See the attachment. Amazing how orderly minds opt for the same lay-out ...

X-club comparisons Belfield 01.pdf126.04 KB