What & Why (04)
Now for some answers to some of the questions from last time. Le’s look at the hands again
3. If you are in 4S, does it matter much if you are playing teams, and how would you play the suit?
If you’re playing teams and are only in 4S, it doesn’t really matter how you play it, you’re not going to go down unless you play it really terribly. Still, play the spade suit the safest way possible, ace first.
4. In 4S in a club session, how would you play the suit?
Just make as many tricks as possible, by leading the five to the queen. It is surprising how many will fail to do things the best way. You will be very unlucky to strike a singleton king offside and such safety plays are not worth considering in a match point session.
5. In 3NT in a club session, how would you play the whole hand given the four of hearts lead? If you recognise that many others will be in 4S and make six, you have to try and make 6NT, whether you are in 3NT or 6NT. So the best way to play spades is to lead the five to the queen. If that loses, you will have to find a way to make six, if you see that the spades break evenly and 6S will be easy.
In the next issue I will talk about 6NT and will review the full deal. In the meantime, more answers please: plan your play if you are in 6NT and North leads the four of hearts.