Double Dummy 03

Heart in Mouth Stuff:
This one might possibly have been bid to 6H but never was. It might have made 6H but almost never was, in fact only three Souths made six on the obvious queen of diamonds lead. That is a good double dummy exercise in itself, how to make six the obvious and only sensible way, or how to make 6H the more risky Deep Finesse way. And finally we will have the real double dummy problem that would never occur in play, or in fact going to be executed by any declarer unless he was Deep Finesse or was clairvoyant or maybe obsessed with finessing everything that can be finessed!

Board 15 From Friday 8/12/23
Dealer S NS Vul


Firstly, 6H played by South. West leads the DQ and whether dummy covers or not, the second diamond is ruffed. Now it is obvious that a double finesse in spades is needed, so declarer crosses to dummy’s HQ, leads a spade to the ten, another heart to dummy, and a second spade, to the queen. Now the ace of spades and fortunately West has no more trumps. Dummy ruffs and declarer’s hand is now good. That is why we should always prefer to have a trump suit in such situations.

However, let’s look at how DF plays 6NT by North. In that contract, three finesses are required but there are only two entries to the North hand. That doesn’t stop Deep Finesse. East leads a club, which is the best defence. Dummy wins and the North hand is entered with a heart and now a truly “deep finesse” is taken, a spade to the eight! Then, another heart to hand and a second spade finesse. But there are no more entries for another spade finesse. Undaunted, Deep Finesse now rattles off the clubs and then the hearts. With three cards left in each hand, declarer has the S6 and K6 of diamonds and East has KJ of spades and the ace of diamonds. When the final heart is led from dummy, declarer discards the D6 and East has no answer, from KJ of spades and DA which card can East discard? At the table, a good defender sitting East would throw the DA and hope West has the king because the end play has been telegraphed. Who said three finesses in spades were not possible? Deep Finesse can manufacture that third entry, if needed! Check it out by clicking here.