RealBridge 01

This series will review deals from RealBridge as played at the Hutt Bridge Club. This one was also played in X-Clubs sessions on 21/02/22. Playing on line is a bit different to the real thing, some things you can do and some you can’t. One thing you can do on line is ask for an “Undo”. Playing the wrong card at the table just can’t be undone.

This deal provided the players with a bit of a chuckle.
Dealer S Nil Vul


South opened a weak 2H and West came in with 2S. East bid 3NT. All passed and South led the king of diamonds. First lesson: the Bath Coup is the oldest trick in the book and everyone should know it. Declarer played low from his hand, trying the three spot and hoping to encourage a continuation, which indeed came. South’s five went to declarer’s nine. Now declarer led a club to dummy’s queen, won by North. The inevitable heart followed and declarer won the king. A spade to dummy was followed by the nine of clubs, ducked by North and declarer. South throwing a heart. Declarer now cashed a top spade and South followed with the queen of diamonds! An immediate request for an undo, but declarer said “tough luck Jeffry”. After some protestation that it was surely a mis-click, declarer suggested that the director be summoned. Of course the director ruled that the queen of diamonds play should stand. However, declarer ‘sportingly’ insisted that the undo be allowed, and South duly changed the queen of diamonds for a low heart. Declarer now remarked that South could play the queen of diamonds at trick thirteen instead and it would still lose. The clubs were cashed and the ace of hearts was followed by the seven. West had to lead from the Q10 of diamonds for the last two tricks. South was never going to make the diamond queen whether he mis-clicked on it or not!