Vil's Ready to Visit the TAB

In this series of Thursday Review I intend to follow the play and results of players I have mentored. I am thrilled to report that the chosen pair this week scored a tidy 79%. Both of them are keen readers and students of the game and both have read “Tips and Quips” and are enrolled for my coming programme “Thirteen Tricks”. But tricks (as in ruses) are not always necessary to do well in a match point game, this deal illustrates how very basic defence can score tops or near tops.

From Thursday 18 Jan 2018
Board 17 Dealer N Nil Vul


My pair were NS this time in a Howell Movement. East opened 1D, West responded 1S, and East jumped to 3D, a reasonable description of the hand. West, of course, passed, wishing he had passed ONE diamond. South led the jack of clubs and when dummy played low, it was not difficult for North to put up the ace, knowing that East had the king. Then a switch to the ace of hearts followed by two more heart tricks and the ace of spades, plus the inevitable diamond trick for South's jack, meant down two, a better result than most.

Some Souths made the atrocious lead of the spade ace, others led a heart but somehow the defence was still unable to take all their available tricks. A simple and elementary opening lead and normal continuation was all that was necessary. It is often keeping it simple that scores the most match points.

My pair's result was very gratifying, what better advertising for my book and coming ”Thirteen Tricks” series could I have had?

If you would like to know of a special offer I have for joining the “ Thirteen Tricks” series, then just drop me an email and I will send you information and an enrolment form. I will GUARANTEE that if you read, or have read the book “Tips and Quips” and enrol in “Thirteen Tricks” your results will improve considerably over the next year, though I can confidently say that it will be difficult to match my very keen pair of Juniors.

Are you up for the challenge? For information, email